Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Success and what's next

I would like to take this time to thank Bill Stuart of Monday Magazine for featuring the Mixperiment in his "Bill Stuart tries" column. I attribute it to the success of last week's mixperiment. The variety of music and enthusiasm for the project were as bright as the autumn leaves that fell into my tea as I waited for participants. There was a tire swing mix, ghostly tunes, mystery mixes, and some painstakingly decorated covers.

Sometime in late November I'll be dragging my bad self out to another point in downtown Victoria, with a mix ready to trade. This month I'm introducing a theme, but keep in mind: The theme is meant to inspire, not constrict your creativity. There is no obligation to adhere to the theme when participating. The theme for November is:

String Things!

Since this is the first theme I figured we'd start with something fairly broad. Bring us your violins, your cellos, your harps, and harpsichords! As always, any genre and era is welcome! Throw out some songs about strings, threads, chords, rope, twine, and even string theory. So drag out your Yo Yo Ma, dust off your Final Fantasy, dig up some Magnetic Fields, and get mixing.

The location and date for the next mixperiment will be announced sometime in early November. Check back for more info, and never hesistate to drop comments/questions/love letters.